
Making A Difference

Changing It Up

In the early years, our American culture was founded on rural communities and the farms within them - for these early farmers this meant a lifestyle based on family values, land stewardship, and self-reliance.

This was a time on the farm when:
Rules and regulations didn’t limit freedom to pursue the American Dream.

Serving and supporting  local community was more important than meeting global demands.

Being sustainable was about providing while preserving our environment for the next generation. 

Products were harvested for freshness and taste, not to meet shipping and delivery dates.

Chores were about family responsibilities and self-worth as a part of childhood development.

Growing /raising meant pastures & cover crops not chemicals & confinement

We want our life on the farm to be about:

The environment and finding ways to preserve our natural resources from the ground up!

The natural growth of our plants with no harmfull pesticides, fertilizers, or other man-made chemicals!

The natural behaviors of our livestock without the use of hormones, antibiotics, or confinement

The natural quality of our products because we didn’t use artificial preservatives, additives, or flavoring!

The self-reliant practices we use to conserve by reducing, reusing, and recycling to minimize waste!

The sustainable lifestyle we created with nature as we feel God intended from the beginning! 

Whitmore’s RB Farms is Getting Back To A Better Time 

 By farming naturally with “Life Principles” as we work in harmony with nature and her ecosystems for the betterment of our environment, plants, animals, and people we interact with.

Join us on our journey to a better lifestyle.



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Our Story Begins

Every story starts with chapter one, and while we’ve been at this a few years, we feel now is the right time to begin our story.

Kerry and I started the farm in 2014 with somewhat of a calling in mind. We were getting to that age in our lives where many conversations were about “The Golden Years” and what that meant to us. You know, the normal stuff – more time with family, some traveling, maybe even a little relaxing here and there.  All of which should sound great to the  average couple with any common sense. But, nope, apparently that was not meant to be for us.
While evaluating these opportunities, we also found ourselves pondering the contributions one should make in life as well. Were we living our lives to glorify God? Were we using our God-given gifts to serve others? Should we be giving more back to society? What about future generations? Have we done our part to leave things better than we found them? And on and on and on…….

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What is the #1 reason we may run into a food shortage in the near future?